The Coalition for Pluralistic Public Discourse (CPPD) is a collaborative network and productive platform of around 65 artists, academics, journalists, and activists working on and researching pluralistic cultures of remembrance through a broad range of approaches. The goal of the network is to create artistic, civil society, and educational policy concepts for pluralistic remembrance.

The composition of its membership unites and makes visible diverse activist, academic, and artistic perspectives on remembrance cultures. At the heart of this work is the conviction that those who seek to shape the present and future in a way that recognises the pluralism of societies must also provide a new telling of the past. It brings together, among others, the remembrance policy concerns of Sinti*zze, Rom*nja and many other communities, plural-Jewish, postcolonial and antiracist discourses, as well as migrant-diaspora and queer-feminist perspectives.

The CPPD utilises a variety of event formats and interventions (panel discussions, readings, workshops, conferences, etc.), supports the remembrance politics projects of its members in the form of micro-grants, and advises institutions active in Germany and elsewhere in Europe working to modernise their cultures of remembrance so that they reflect contemporary societies. The network forges connections to relevant remembrance policy actors and builds on the prior achievements of civil society actors in Germany and across Europe. The CPPD is now working within a network of more than 200 initiatives, institutions, and organisations.


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