European Congress 2025

Network Meeting

Saturday, 15 March 2025
11 am – 3 pm
Villa Elisabeth, Berlin

After the Bundestag elections and in light of recent developments in Germany and Europe, we are facing new questions – at the center of our concerns is this one:

What is needed for a resistant, pluralistic culture of remembrance?

This question will guide our collaborative work. The networking efforts of CPPD will provide crucial impulses for this endeavor. On 14 and 15 March, we want to explore this question together with our network members through various formats.

At this moment, it is crucial to acknowledge and experience that there are many allies in Germany and Europe working together to shape a pluralistic society. Therefore, special attention will be given to exchange, joint reflection, planning, and action.

In addition to our established exchange formats, we will collaboratively create a resource mapping to enable us to share various resources, increasing our impact, leveraging synergies, and potentially reducing costs. You can find a preliminary mapping of the resources in our program via this link – please feel free to contribute before our network meeting!

The resource mapping will be finalised during our time together. Afterwards, our team will evaluate the results and make them available to all participants.

Here are some key examples of resources that can be shared:

  1. Material Resources
  • Event spaces
  • Technical equipment: event and streaming technology
  • Working materials: publications, brochures, banners, or giveaways for events
  1. Human Resources
  • Expertise & knowledge: expertise on various topics of memory culture,
    current studies, best practices, or consulting services
  • Personnel & volunteers: mutual support through volunteers or
    staff for specific projects
  • Workshops & training: team training, e.g., on communication,
    fundraising, or anti-discrimination work
  1. Networks & Public Relations
  • Representation in decision-making bodies
  • Reach & platforms: social media channels, newsletters, etc.
  • Media contacts & PR: press distribution lists, journalist contacts
  • Media work strategies
    • Cooperation with other allies
  1. Digital & Technical Resources
  • Data & research: sharing studies, surveys, or analyses for informed political work
  • IT infrastructure: hosting, cloud services,
    or open-source solutions for collaborative work
  1. Logistical Resources
    Shared use of storage spaces for materials or equipment

In our collaborative work, we want to explore the question of resistant remembrance culture in working groups.

We have identified seven key contexts in advance, which we will reflect on together, addressing needs and developing possible solutions:

Educational Policy Context

School Context

Artistic Context

Museum Context

Memorial Sites

Religious Context

Academic Context

“Affected Communities & Initiatives”

Parliamentary Context (Federal and State Levels)

We kindly ask you to register by 10 March 2025:

15 March 2025
11 am – 3 pm
Villa Elisabeth