International Weeks Against Racism

Safiyye Aydin

The International Weeks Against Racism, which take place every year in March, offer an important opportunity to examine the diverse facets and effects of racism on different levels. Racism goes far beyond personal enmities against groups; it is a systemic problem that is deeply rooted in the structures of our society and which expresses itself in numerous forms.

The effects of racist practices can be devasting for the parties involved. Beginning with daily microaggressions and extending to structural disadvantages, the parties affected frequently suffer from negative effects on their psychic health, their feelings of self-worth and their quality of life. Racism leads not only to social exclusion on the personal level, but also to educational disadvantage, economic inequalities and even physical violence. In addition, racism also affects society as a whole by creating divisions between sections of the population and strengthening prejudices that then undermine social cohesion and prevent the creation of an intersectional, fair and harmonic society.

It is of critical importance to recognize that racism is not an individual phenomenon, but instead a structural and institutional phenomenon that affects the entire society. In order to effectively combat racism, we have to commit ourselves jointly to comprehensive changes on the personal and structural levels. This requires continuously self-reflection, education and, most of all, a commitment to justice and equality for all human beings. Allyship in particular, the alliance with and the support of marginalized groups by privileged persons or groups, is a decisive tool for combating racism. Through active listening, learning about the experiences of others, advocating for justice and taking responsibility for their own actions, allies can make a contribution to recognizing and dismantling rascist structures and prejudices.

The International Weeks Against Racism offer the opportunity to hold this important discussion, raise awareness and take specific measures to combat racism in all of its forms. By speaking out against racism together and advocating for a more fair and integrative society, we can shape a future where diversity is seen as a strength and every human being has the same chances and opportunities to realize their full potential.

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