CPPD text on a plural culture of remembrance in the memorials newsletter of the Topography of Terror Foundation


The CPPD was honored to be asked by the Topography of Terror Foundation to publish a text in their memorials newsletter on approaches and basic conditions of plural remembrance. The work of the CPPD should be presented and placed in the context of plural forms of remembrance.

The article may be reviewed on the website of the Memorial Forum and on our website under Publications.

The GedenkstättenRundbrief is a journal of the Memorials Department, a section of the Topography of Terror Foundation. The journal deals specifically with topics of activities of the memorials for victims of the NS-regime. It is published four times a year as a print edition and can be obtained by subscription. It publishes articles on current issues, reports on new memorials or special activities and projects of individual institutions. In addition, the newsletter contains a service section which refers to selected events as well as newly published literature.